Agence Science Presse wages war against disinformation

Still on the topic of scientific literacy, a great initiative by Agence Science Presse (ASP). The scientific journalism agency is waging war against disinformation by crowdfunding a fact-checking column. This column will allow the public to get evidence-based answers to any question they may have stemming from pseudo-science disseminated in the media. You can follow Read more about Agence Science Presse wages war against disinformation[…]

A funny but on-point take on scientific research and the mass media

A recent episode of John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight featured a funny yet important piece on the misuse of scientific research results in the mass media. Misrepresentation of scientific results to fit tabloid-type headline-hungry formats is a pervasive and pernicious practice that highlights the importance of cultivating scientific literacy and critical thinking in society at large. Watch the piece Read more about A funny but on-point take on scientific research and the mass media[…]